When should this form be used?
You should complete this worksheet if child support is being requested in your case. If you know the income of the other party , this worksheet should accompany your financial affidavit . If you do not know the other party’s income, this form must be completed after the other party files his or her financial affidavit, and serves a copy on you.
This form should be typed or printed in black ink. You should file the original with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where your case is filed and keep a copy for your records.
What should I do next?
A copy of this form must be served on the other party in your case. Service must be in accordance with Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516.
Where can I look for more information?
Before proceeding, you should read “General Information for Self-Represented Litigants ” found at the beginning of these forms. The words that are in “bold underline ” in these instructions are defined there. For further information, see section 61.30, Florida Statutes.
Special notes…
If you want to keep your address confidential because you are the victim of sexual battery, aggravated child abuse, aggravated stalking, harassment, aggravated battery or domestic violence, do not enter the address, telephone, and fax information at the bottom of this form. Instead, file Request for Confidential Filing of Address , Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(h).
The chart below contains the guideline amounts that you should use when calculating child support. This amount is based on the number of children and the combined income of the parents, and it is divided between the parents in direct proportion to their income or earning capacity. From time to time, some of the amounts in the child support guidelines chart will change. Be sure you have the most recent version of the chart before using it.
Because the guidelines are based on monthly amounts, it may be necessary to convert some income and expense figures from other frequencies to monthly. You should do this as follows:
If payment is twice per month Payment amount x 2 = Monthly amount
If payment is every two weeks Payment amount x 26 = Yearly amount due
Yearly amount ÷ 12 = Monthly amount
If payment is weekly Weekly amount x 52 = Yearly amount due
Yearly amount ÷ 12 = Monthly amount
If you or the other parent request that the court award an amount that is different than the guideline amount, you must also complete and attach a Motion to Deviate from Child Support Guidelines , Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.943.
Remember, a person who is NOT an attorney is called a nonlawyer. If a nonlawyer helps you fill out these forms, that person must give you a copy of a Disclosure from Nonlawyer , Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure Form 12.900(a), before he or she helps you. A nonlawyer helping you fill out these forms also must put his or her name, address, and telephone number on the bottom of the last page of every form he or she helps you complete.
Your full legal name:
I am the:
Your Information:
City, state, zip:
Phone (area code and number):
Fax (area code and number):
Florida Bar Number (if prepared by attorney):
You are required to give notice of this Filing and a copy of the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet to the other party.
I, certify that a copy of this Notice of Filing with the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet was
emailed mailed faxed hand delivered
on {date}
Notice was sent to:
other party other party’s attorney
Other Party’s Information:
This is the address for serving notice to the other party. If the other party’s attorney receives the notice, put the attorney’s contact information here. Otherwise, put the other party’s contact information here.
City, state, zip:
Fax (area code and number):
Attorney (if known):
Attorney’s Address:
Attorney City, state, zip:
Attorney Fax (area code and number):
Attorney Email:
IN AND FORSelect your county Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Clay Collier Columbia DeSoto Dixie Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden Gilchrist Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hendry Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Miami-Dade Monroe Nassau Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole St. Johns St. Lucie Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington COUNTY, FLORIDA
Case No.:
Your share of the additional childcare and healthcare costs:
Father’s share of child care and medical costs: $ 0.00
Mother’s share of child care and medical costs: $ 0.00
Child Support required, plus childcare and health costs, minus amounts already paid]
Father: $
Mother: $ 0.00
Total: $ 0.00
Substantial Time-Sharing (GROSS UP METHOD)
Complete this section if each parent exercises time-sharing at least 20 percent of the overnights in the year (73 overnights in the year)
Increased Basic Monthly Obligation
[Total Basic Monthly Obligation multiplied by 1.5]
$ 0.00
Increased Basic Obligation for each parent
Multiply the increased basic obligation above by your percentage of financial responsibility
Father: $
Mother: $ 0.00
Percentage of overnight stays with each parent
The child(ren) spend(s)
overnight stays with the father each year.
Percentage of overnight stays with the father:
0.00 %
The child(ren) spend(s)
overnight stays with the mother each year.
Percentage of overnight stays with the mother:
0.00 %
Your support share (increased support amount multiplied by the other parent’s over night percentage)
Father’s support: $ 0.00
Mother’s support: $ 0.00
Statutory Adjustments/Credits
Total Additional Support Transfer Amount [Your share minus expenses being paid]
Father: $
Mother: $ 0.00
Parents using the Time Sharing Gross Up Method
Total child support owed to each other [Your share plus the transfer amount]
Father to Mother: $ 0.00
Mother to Father: $ 0.00
Actual Child Support to Be Paid Under Time Sharing Method
[Comparing what the father and mother owe above, subtract the smaller amount
owed from the larger amount owed and enter the result in the column for the
parent that owes the larger amount of support]
Father: $0
Mother: $0
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